Saturday, 3 March 2018

Snow Kitty Blogs from the Arctic Isle

Greetings from a very cold kitty in a very snowy Ireland!

As you may or may not be aware, Ireland has been experiencing some insane weather the last few days. From what I understand, two storms met and the result was the worst snow we have had since the 80's. The entire country has been more or less snowed in the last few days with no public transport working. On Thursday there was a status red warning issued and the public was urged to stay indoors after 4pm until 12pm Friday.  This warning was then extended until 9am Saturday (today), the snow fell non stop for at least 24 hours. In Ireland. In March.

Needless to say, this is the craziest weather I have ever experienced! Lennart was in his element, he was born during a blizzard so maybe that's why! I enjoyed it but it made me super tired for some reason. I was so drowsy during the worst of it. It has started to thaw out today so normality is slowly creeping in. I spent my snow days sleeping in, drawing, singing and taking pictures. It was.... needed. I feel fresher and lighter again. 

During our trek out. Lennart made a massive snowball! We went to tesco before it closed and bought crisps and chocolate. Also how pretty is my white ski jacket? I love this thing. Knee high docs proved a winner too. 

In terms of life updates, things have been interesting for me recently. I took a new job that ended up not being right for me... at all. I have been so stressed the last few months and after weighing it up, I chose to find something new. I will be starting the new role soon. I am extremely excited about my new job but sad that the current one didn't work out. 

I have also finally started singing lessons along with belly dancing classes. My body is very rigid at the moment so I think the dancing will be good for me! I have also found myself drawing more and doing more photography so I have definitely gotten in touch with my creative side again lately. My confidence is growing finally and I am bouncing back from a few things that knocked me back. I feel new somehow, it's nice.  

Sometimes we have to go sideways or even backwards to know the path that we really want to take. 

Totally random blog post but life has been a bit random and mad lately! :)

Until next time pretty kitties,


Mar Qaroll said...

Seems like this is a winter of strange weather in many places. Greetings from the East Coast of the USA! We're experiencing weird weather, too.

David Hill Guildford said...

We've experienced insane weather there too.

David Guildford